Black-chinned hummingbird at the flower of the pomegranate ©Beth Kingsley Hawkins
We thank you for your donations to help the International Hummingbird Society in our nonprofit mission of teaching about and protecting hummingbirds. Your donation will have a magnified effect because of our small size!
In addition to general donations, we gratefully receive donations in someone’s honor or in memory of a loved one.
Your donation is fully tax-deductible to the extent allowed by law.
Donations for the Sedona Hummingbird Festival
The Sedona Hummingbird Festival is a memorable and magical experience for all who attend. As a small nonprofit, we are able to create this event every year only because of your generous donations. We would love to continue bringing hummingbird lovers together to share in this festival year after year. Festival Angels are those who donate directly to the costs of putting on this event: costs relating to presentations, banding demonstrations, facility rental, advertising, and all the additional elements that go into creating a successful festival.
Click the donate button below to donate as either a Festival Angel (individual) or Festival Business Sponsor.
We thank you for any donations and support for the Sedona Hummingbird Festival and the International Hummingbird Society!