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Volunteer Opportunities for the 2024 Sedona Hummingbird Festival


We have many opportunities for volunteering before and during the festival.  If you work one-three hour shift you have free entry to that day's presentations.  If you work 20 hours on a pre-festival position, you have free entry to all 3 days of presentations!  Plus, volunteers get a free festival volunteer T-shirt and get to have lots of fun working with fellow hummingbird enthusiasts.  Please review the positions below and email Jacquie Daniels at with your choices or questions.  


Note: Festival days referenced below are Friday July 26, Saturday July 27, and Sunday July 28.


Note: depending on the amount of work, a pre-festival position could entitle you to see all presentations for free!  In addition, you would be free to fully participate in the Festival as would would have already done the work!

Raffle gatherer: Approach local businesses to request donations of items that can be raffled or auctioned off during the Festival. 

Sponsor solicitor:  Find and secure sponsors for the Festival.

Feeder fillers (at SPAC):  Refill hummingbird feeders at SPAC during the month before the festival and during the festival.  We are looking for a team of people to do this so no one person has to do it all the time!

Office Volunteer: All kinds of small projects, such as cutting out hummingbird shaped colored paper for the festival dinner using a holepunch, putting together lanyards and name badges, and various other essential tasks.

Merchandising: Help select and design products for sale, such as T-shirts, mugs, bags, bottles

Graphics: Design flyers, ads, signs, banners, table covers


Photo Contest Set Up: Help get photo display set up and all the photos mounted and labeled. 
Days and Times: Thursday all day and Friday 8am to noon. 

Hospitality: Pick up and lay out snacks and drinks for volunteers and presenters. 
Days and Times: Thursday afternoon; Friday, Saturday, and Sunday 7am-10am and noon-3pm


DINNER DIVAS: Help set up and decorate for our Festival Dinner, “Down Home with the Hummingbirds,” to be held Saturday evening at the Sedona Elks Club. 
Days and Times: Pre-festival planning, then Saturday afternoon and evening. A group of volunteers working together would be great.

Hummingbird Banding: Put out signs, help with parking, check tickets of people who have paid, take cash at the door for people who haven’t paid previously. Must have cash handling experience. 
Days and Times: Friday, Saturday, Sunday, 6:45-9am and 9-11am. 




Wrist band checker at the auditorium door: Check to see that the patrons entering the auditorium have the correct wristbands for the day. Days and Times: Friday and Saturday: 9:15-11:30 and 1:15-4:30, Sunday 9:15-11:30 and 1:15-3:15. 


Front entrance greeter:  Greet and help attendees learn where to go within the Sedona Performing Arts Center and off-site locations. Hand out white wristbands to people who are just there for the Hummingbird Marketplace. Greeters will float at entrance area between SPAC and Cafeteria. Days and Times: Friday, Saturday, Sunday 8:30-11:00, 11:00-1:30, 1:30-4


Prepaid will-call tickets: Check patrons’ names off a list and hand them their packets.
Days and Times: Thursday 3-5:30pm;  Friday, Saturday, Sunday 8:30-11:00, 11:00-1:30, 1:30-4


Information Table: Answer patrons’ questions about Sedona, the Society, and the Festival. Pass out festival programs and white wristbands to people who are just there for the Hummingbird Marketplace. 
Days and Times: Thursday 3-5:30pm;  Friday, Saturday, Sunday 8:30-11:00, 11:00-1:30, 1:30-4


Society Booth Sales: Arrange and sell Society items such as books, shirts, and calendars. Cash and credit card handling experience is a must. Days and Times: Thursday 10-1, 1-4, 3-5:30pm; Friday, Saturday, Sunday 8:30-11:00, 11:00-1:30, 1:30-4:00, 4-5:30


Raffle Table: Artfully arrange the raffle table each day, sell raffle tickets, and conduct the daily raffle. (Must have cash handling experience). Days and Times: Friday, Saturday, Sunday 8:30-11:00, 11:00-1:30, 1:30-4:00, 4-5:30 


Floating Hummer Central Volunteer:  Be available to help out as needed, such as when a volunteer doesn’t show, or man a booth while someone uses the restroom. 
Days and Times: Thursday 3-5:30pm;  Friday, Saturday, Sunday 8:30-11:00, 11:00-1:30, 1:30-4



Garden Tours On-Site Volunteers: Answer questions about the gardens and hummingbirds. Ensure patrons are being respectful of the property. Days and Times: Saturday and Sunday, 7:15-10:15am and 10:15am-1:30pm


Garden Tour Van Assistant: Help load garden tour vans in the SPAC parking lot. 
Days and Times: Saturday and Sunday, 7-10am and 10am-1pm 



Breakfast Planners/Deliverers: Work with local restaurants or caterers to get donated heavy continental breakfasts for a total of 35 people (20/15) for Friday morning. We can have different providers providing food for two locations. Then set up and host the breakfasts. Dates and Times: Pre-festival planning, then Friday morning (early, with breakfasts concluding by 9am). A group of volunteers working together would be great.  


Sign Attendant: Place signs out at the start of each day and pick them up at end of day.
Days and Times:  Friday, Saturday, Sunday – before 8am and after 5:30pm. 


 Set up Crew: Help with set up on Thursday.
Days and Times: Thursday, whenever you can help. Many hands make light work! 


Take Down Crew:  Helping break down tables and pack up supplies after Festival closes.
Days and Times: Sunday 4:30-7pm.  Many hands make light work!


Sign/equipment Driver:  If you have a truck and would be willing to help bring our festival signs and other equipment to and from the Sedona Performing Arts Center, you would be much appreciated!.
Days and Times: Friday morning and Sunday afternoon (4:30-7:30)


Email Jacquie Daniels at with your choices or questions.  

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